Webinar Archives

AI-Proof Your Career

AI-Proof Your Career

Jun 20th 2024

Presenter: Donna Knapp, Curriculum Development Manager, ITSM Academy If someone could give you a prescription for surviving and thriving in the age of AI what do you think it would incl … read more
How AI will Affect ITSM Programs

How AI will Affect ITSM Programs

May 17th 2024

Presenter: Mark Hinkle, CEO & Founder, Peripety Labs Mark will guide us through the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on ITSM programs, tracing its evolution fr … read more
AI & The Future of Employee Service

AI & The Future of Employee Service

Oct 2nd 2019

Presenter: Dan Turchin, Astound The bots are coming… but not to take your job. Learn how and why AI and machine learning are making humans better and how organizations li … read more