Webinar Archives

State of ITSM and... 2022

State of ITSM and... 2022

Jan 20th 2022

Presenter: Donna Knapp, Curriculum Development Manager, ITSM Academy As we move into 2022, the pandemic persists, as does the pressure to keep up with the demand for digital innovation. Join us to h … read more
Digital & IT Strategy - Go Fish!

Digital & IT Strategy - Go Fish!

Jul 15th 2021

Presenter: Mark Bradley, Senior Product Manager, Flexera Go Fish!  Digital transformation is a very hot topic, and there are tons of webinars, podcasts, etc. But we were not finding any that … read more
The Metrics Of Shift Left

The Metrics Of Shift Left

Feb 18th 2021

Presenter: Jeff Rumburg, Managing Partner, MetricNet Organizations that haven’t spent a great deal of time shifting left—that is, moving tickets from desktop support to Level 1 service desk, or from … read more