Webinar Archives

State of ITSM and... 2023

State of ITSM and... 2023

Jan 26th 2023

Presenter: Donna Knapp, Curriculum Development Manager As we move into 2023, the pandemic is behind us (sort of), but that doesn’t mean we aren’t still feeling its effects. We simultaneously need to … read more
State of ITSM and... 2022

State of ITSM and... 2022

Jan 20th 2022

Presenter: Donna Knapp, Curriculum Development Manager, ITSM Academy As we move into 2022, the pandemic persists, as does the pressure to keep up with the demand for digital innovation. Join us to h … read more
SRE is a Service Management Framework

SRE is a Service Management Framework

Apr 15th 2021

Presenter: Jayne Groll, Former CEO of DevOps Institute Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is rising quickly as the most innovative approach to IT Service Management (ITSM) since the early days of IT … read more
SRE Roundtable with 4 DevOps Ambassadors

SRE Roundtable with 4 DevOps Ambassadors

Jul 16th 2020

Presenter: SRE Roundtable with 4 DevOps Ambassadors - Complimentary Webinar A roundtable conversation about Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). Please join us as four of the DevOps Institute … read more