Many of the courses in ITSM Academy’s course catalog are accredited certification courses. While ITSM Academy is your education provider, exams are managed and delivered through Examination Institutes (EIs). Examination Institutes deliver certification exams and maintain certification programs.


ITIL, DevOps, SRE and Agile SM (Agile Service Management ) exams are managed by PeopleCert.


Certified Process Design Engineer (CPDE), ITSM for DevOps (ITSM4DO), Value Stream Mapping Fundamentals (VSMF) and Essence of Experience (XLA) exams are managed through Gauge by

Exams & PeopleCert (ITIL, DevOps, SRE, Agile SM)

Prerequisite Certifications

Many ITSM Academy courses require a prerequisite certification. When taking a certification exam that has mandatory prerequisite(s), exam institutes will not release your results until you submit your pre-requisite certificate(s). For privacy reasons, ITSM Academy cannot obtain a copy of a certification on behalf of our learners. You will need to work directly with the examination institute.


How can I get a copy or proof of my ITIL certificate(s)?

If you took your prerequisite exam(s) with PeopleCert, log into your account and click on ‘My Certifications’. 

If you took your exam(s) with another examination institute you will be asked to submit a copy of your prerequisite certificate (or evidence thereof) to PeopleCert.

A good place to start is the Axelos Sucessful Candidates Register to verify if your ITIL certificate is already listed. PeopleCert will accept your name on the Axelos Successful Candidates Register in lieu of an actual certificate. If the needed certificate(s) is/are not listed in the Successful Candidates Register, click here and follow the instructions to submit a Candidate Verification Form.  


How can I get a copy or proof of my DevOps Institute certificate(s)?

If you took a DevOps Institute class (e.g., DevOps, Certified Agile Service Manager (CASM) or Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) prior to the 2023 PeopleCert acquisition, DevOps Institute will have your results. Please email If you took your exam(s) with PeopleCert, log into your account and click on ‘My Certifications’.


Feel free to contact ITSM Academy if you are unable to obtain your certification(s) using these routes. 


How will I receive my voucher for my online exam?

Your online voucher is ordered the week of your class and will arrive in an email from PeopleCert with very important instructions. Tips: Check your junk mail folder. Ensure you are checking the email account used when you registered with PeopleCert (e.g., you may have used your personal vs. work, email address). Please note: there will be an expiration date on your voucher - schedule or renew your exam at least 48 hours prior to that date.


How can I renew my exam voucher before it expires?

Learners who are unable to sit their exam prior to its expiration, may be eligible for a 6-month renewal for a valid (i.e., unexpired) exam voucher. If your exam has NOT been scheduled AND it doesn't expire within 48 hours, ITSM Academy can assist with renewing your exam voucher. Please visit our renewal page for more information or to purchase a renewal. Once your voucher renewal has been purchased, please allow 1-2 business days for the extension to be granted.


How can I purchase a new exam voucher?

New exam vouchers can be purchased here.


How do I register for my PeopleCert exam?

Create or access your PeopleCert account. Enter your voucher code next to the heading ‘Register for your exam’.  The system will guide you through the steps involved in registering for and scheduling an exam with your voucher.  Tip: Book your online exam early! You can always reschedule. If you need assistance, contact PeopleCert.


How can I get my ITIL result to appear in the AXELOS Successful Candidates Register?

You can opt to appear on the AXELOS Successful Candidates Register at the time you register for your exam. Through your PeopleCert account you can also choose to be added later by clicking on the ‘My Certificates’ tab and ticking the box next to the Successful Candidates Register option.


How do I prepare to take my online exam?

You will need to prepare your computer, environment and documents. In terms of technology, you will need a personal computer, access to the internet, and a webcam to take the exam. We recommend you prepare and test your system compatibility with the PeopleCert exam platform at least 24 hours before your exam. Carefully review the provided candidate guidelines for details. Click here for the 5 steps you can take to have a positive exam experience. Please note: step 4 includes a link that you can use to connect to PeopleCert’s Web Based Exam Driver the recommended 24 hours before your exam to carry out a compatibility check. 


What should I do if I can’t meet the technical requirements?

If you are not able to use the Online Proctor due to technical restraints, you can take your exam at a library or other approved location, contact PeopleCert to learn more.  As a last resort, we can assist in setting up a physical exam, but additional fees will be applied. After speaking with PeopleCert, if you feel that is your only option, contact ITSM Academy to discuss pricing.


How can I get exam-related assistance?

Once you have registered for your exam using your PeopleCert voucher code, please direct any exam-related questions to PeopleCert. You can use their Help & Support page to chat with a representative or obtain answers to frequently asked questions such as:

• Reschedule your exam
• Determine if alternate dates and times are available
• Resolve technical issues


I failed my ITIL exam, what are my options?

Learners who were not successful on their first attempt and who did not purchase the Take² option can purchase an additional voucher here. Once your voucher is purchased, please allow 1-2 business days for a new voucher to be allocated to you.

Exams & Gauge (CPDE, ITSM4DO, VSMF & XLA)

How do I register for my exam?

Your instructor will provide a link on the first day of class that you must use to access both the sample and live exams.


What are the technical requirements to take a Gauge exam?

Once you log into your Gauge account you can view the minimum technical requirements or run a browser compatibility test from the Gauge Main Portal Page. 


How can I get assistance when taking a Gauge exam?

Contact ITSM Academy at


I’m concerned about privacy. Why do the Exam Institutes require my personally identifiable information? Further, why do they need to see me during the exam?

The Exam Institutes and ITSM Academy are concerned about your privacy as well.  We can assure you that once collected, this information is not distributed to any outside source, not even to ITSM Academy. Information, such as your Photo ID number is used to verify that it is you taking the exam, and not someone else, and also to ensure that no one but the people or organizations you choose can access your personal certifications. Visibility into your test space is required to ensure that there are no study aids or people that may aid with the exam within the vicinity. Keep in mind, these requirements are just like the ones you would have at a testing facility.

